Everyone knows that an espresso drunk in Naples is the quintessential coffee, the most authentic rendition of ancient art that the whole world looks on it in admiration. With its Espresso Napoletano blend of roasted ground coffee, KIMBO gives you a chance to experience the same incomparable pleasure of a coffee drunk in a Neapolitan coffee shop and enjoy its mellow flavor and rich lasting creaminess.
A bold mellow flavor, rich aroma, and full taste: these are the hallmarks of this blend of roasted ground coffee which makes this KIMBO Intenso coffee a must when tackling day-to-day challenges with the right amount of energy.
100% кафе Арабика. Средно печено. Со умерена киселост и слатки ноти на житарици.
Најавтентично неаполско кафе. Мешавина добиена од премиум сорти, печени според автентичната неаполска традиција. Со полно тело, интензивен вкус и богата крема.
Арабика 80%, Робуста 20%.
The blend of KIMBO Aroma Classico roasted ground coffee has been made from carefully selected and roasted premium Arabica beans. The sweet aroma and velvety flavor mean that a cup of KIMBO coffee is an experience of pure pleasure to be enjoyed at any time of the day!
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